Microcosm Sustainability....

     How can Humanity gain its Freedom from being entrapped in a Society practicing outdated Beliefs that no longer serve the Greater Good? That is the million dollar question that has a surpisingly simple answer: Be Different, Be Bold, Be Brave and Rise Above All Those Who Say Otherwise. LovelyByChoice is a Registered LLC that will survive off of nothing more than donations collected with the intention of redistributing the funds to those in need One Random Act of Kindness at a Time. This intentional business model creates a siphon to receive funding from independant donors who understand the importance of pulling money away from the Patriarchal Macrocosm to create Sustainable Independant Communities who share like minded intent.

LovelyByChoice is an Elite Community of vast categories Christed in Consciousness dedicated to being the Difference this World needs. A Community of Higher Intelligence Spiritual Beings operating on a foudnation of Absolute Faith providing accountable heart based business/services that do not charge for services but instead receive donations trusting that the Universe provides for them what they are meant to receive. By living in Alignment with Universal Law & attracting abundance any LovelyByChoice Creator becomes tax exempt and can enjoy their Sovereignty from the Macrocosm responsible for the demise of basic human rights. Heart based business will restore humanitites trust that has been broken between consumer and big business by operating with integrity, upfront honesty, open accounting/bookkeeping practice to ensure 100% transparency.

Big Business will continue to raise prices calling it inflation and LovelyByChoice will provide access to an array of services/healings at a fraction of the cost while over delivering in customer satisfaction by doing business with individuals who live life from their heart space of Oneness. This allows independant work/service providers Freedom from the Corporate World so they can truly embrace the healthiest version of work life balance intended for All of Humanity. Service providers will be asked to contribute a monthly offering (no set amount whatever they feel is deserving) in devotion to the Divine Feminine Frequency of Christ COnsciousness and the microcosm that will be responsible for funding Creative Developers of the New Earth.

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